


To all to whom these presents shall come, I
Age:  About              years Occupation:

Age: About                years     Occupation

Residing at:  


Whereas, I am residing abroad on the above said address for my service purposes and hence I am desirous of appointing some fit and proper person to all my affair stated hereunder and as such requested

Age: About         years, Occupation:

Age: About        years             Occupation

Residing at:

Indian inhabitant (hereinafter called as ATTORNEY) to act
for me/us and to look after my affairs, which  the said attorney has consented
to do;
Now know to all and by this presents witness that, I/We, Mr
                  and Mrs.                                        , executants herein do hereby nominate, constitute and appoint Mr./Mrs                                   our father/brother/mother/sister as my/our true and lawful Attorney, to do execute and perform the acts deeds and things for me the purposes aforesaid. I/We hereby confer upon the Attorney the following power and authorities.

  1. To open and operated Non-Resident Saving Account in my name with the State Bank of India and deposit, transfer and withdraw the amount from the said account as my Attorney shall think fit and proper which may accrue in the above said account to which I am entitled.
  2. To transfer amount lying in Non-Resident Saving Account to Non-Resident Non-Repatriable Account and Non-Resident External Rupee Account (Term Deposit Receipt) and vice-versa including the power to transfer the amount from one account to another as my said attorney shall think fit and proper. I further hereby authorise my Attorney to receive money from the matured fixed deposits, to dissolve any fixed deposits in an immature and to give a valid discharge for the same.
  3. To operate all FCNBS and/or NRNR deposits and to deposit, withdraw or transfer any amount FCNBS and/or NRNR deposits and to invest or deposit the said amount with any other bank
  4. To operate NRO (Non-Resident Ordinary Account) and to deposit and withdraw the amount from said account as my said Attorney may deem fit and proper.
  5. To raise loan or to borrow amount on the strength of the Term Deposit Receipts on or any other investments lying with the Bank and to sign necessary papers in connection with it.
  6. To invest any of moneys in such a manner at such rate of interest and upon such securities as my said Attorney shall in her discretion think fit and proper and from time to time alter and vary the said investments or any of them into any other investments and in the mean time and pending such investments as aforesaid to deposit the said moneys or any part thereof with any banker or bankers to whom my said Attorney shall think fit to entrust the same including power to sell, transfer, assign in favour of any third party.
  7. To sell and/or transfer any of my shares, debentures of any company/firm as a suitable and to sign the contract of sale or transfer as my said Attorney deed fit and proper in that behalf.
  8. To obtain from Post Office, UTI, NSC Certificates or any type of Certificates of Deposits, to purchase the same in my name including the power to receive money thereof on maturity, to sign the receipts, on my behalf as may be necessary in that regard.
  9. To draw endorse and sign any cheque on any bank, drafts pay orders , dividend interest , warrants or other investments payable to me and to sign my name and execute on my behalf all contracts, transfers, assignments, deeds and instruments whatsoever.
  10. To make application/s to Reserve Bank of India or any other Central or State Government authorities in case of prior permission is necessary before investing money in shares, debentures, stocks, annuities etc.
  11. To appear before the income Tax Authorities and to sign on my behalf income Tax returns to submit the same on my behalf to the respective taxing authorities.
  12. To execute, declare and affirm on my behalf all the applications, documents, declarations and affidavits as may be necessary for the purpose of Income Tax, to file Appeal revision etc. against the orders of Income Tax Authorities and to compound , compromise, settle the matters as my Attorney thinks fit and proper.
  13. To appoint on my behalf such Auditors, Accountants and Advocates as the said Attorney shall deem fit and proper for representing me before the Income Tax, and/or any other taxing authorities or any other Tribunal or Court in respect of any legal matters, assessments and to discharge them and appoint new Auditors, Accountants and Advocates as the case may be in their place.
  14. To hold negotiations, meetings and discussions with any individual, firm , body corporate engaged in construction of bunglows , residential tenements and sale of open plot of land anywhere in India for purchase of flat, bunglow or residential tenement.
  15. To negotiable for the price for the intended transaction of purchase of flat, bunglow or residential tenements.
  16. To enter into Agreement of Sale for purchase of flat, open plot of land, bunglow or residential tenement with the promoters and builders.
  17. To pay consideration for purchase of flat, open plot of land, bunglow or residential tenement and to obtain necessary receipt for the same.
  18. To sign and execute all other deeds, instruments and assurances which shall consider for acquiring rights, title and interests in the open plot of land, flat, bunglow or residential tenement.
  19. To present Agreement of Sale or other document or documents for registration and to admit execution there of. To sign any agreement of sale or sale deed before the Sub-Registrar or Registrar having authority for or to have them registered according to law and to do all other acts, deeds and things which my said Attorney shall consider necessary for purchasing the property.
  20. To obtain conveyance of any property so purchased on my behalf and to present said conveyance deed in the office of Sub-Registrar and to obtain the original copy of the said document.
  21. To obtain possession, enter and possess the premises so procured and to enjoy the same.
  22. To make application for loan in any Bank, Financial institution etc. and to sign and execute all application forms, declarations and any other requisite documents for the purpose of housing loan/credit facility.
  23. To sign and execute all loan documents/agreements and to pay loan amount in instalments or in lump sum.
  24. To sign and execute mortgage deed in favour of Bank to present the said deed for registration and to admit execution thereof.
  25. If the mortgage is to be executed by deposit of title deeds, then to deposit documents of title with the Bank with an intention to create security thereon.
  26. To sign and execute Confirmation Letters, Debit Balance Confirmation Letters, Revival Letters etc.
  27. To enter into an Agreement of lease/rent with prospective party for the purpose of lease/rent, charges, tenure, period and other terms and conditions as may be necessary in this regard.
  28. To make application to Revenue Authorities, Corporation authorities, Maharashtra  State Electricity Board and any other offices for, the purpose of recording my name on all the deeds.
  29. To sign on the application forms, affidavits, indemnity bond and other documents for the purpose of formation of co-operative housing society or apartment.
  30. To vote at the meeting.
  31. To institute, defend and prosecute , endorse or resist any suit or other actions and proceedings, appeals in any Court anywhere within India including Civil, Criminal, Revenue, Revision before any Court and to execute Warrant or Attorney, Vakalatnama and other authorities to act and plead, to sign and verify the plaints, written statements and other pleadings and also to present memorandum of appeal, to accept service of summons, notice/s and other legal processes and to engage Advocate/s on my behalf as my said Attorney shall think fit and proper.
  32. To accept any money or moneys due to me from any Central Government/State Government/Local Bodies/Corporation/Public Authorities or Private Institution/Company/LIC/Unit Trust of India and to issue or sign necessary receipts for the same on my behalf.
  33. To delegate all or any of the powers , authorities and liberties hereunder vested and to appoint any substitute or substitutes limited to any one or more purpose or purposes as my said Attorney shall from time to time desire in that behalf.
  34. To keep any money in Fixed Deposit Scheme in my name in any bank as my attorney may deem fit and to accept the payment, to give valid receipts after the sate of maturity. I also authorise the Attorney to en-cash the fixed deposit in any premature stage and to sign necessary documents for discharge.
  35. AND GENERALLY to do , execute and perform any other act deed and thing whatsoever which in the opinion of may said Attorney ought to have done, executed and performed in relation my concern or affairs ancillary or incidental thereto as fully and effectually as I myself could have done the same if I was personally present.
AND I/We hereby agree and undertake to ratify and confirm all and whatsoever my said Attorney under the power in that behalf herein before contained shall lawfully do, execute or perform in exercise of the powers, authorities and liberties hereby conferred upon, under and by virtue of this Deed.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF I/We, the said                                              has hereto set and subscribed my hands these presents, on this                 day of                        2012 at


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